Friday, June 24, 2011

Emma is my dear friend, the jelly to my peanut butter, and my boss in the kitchen. At six o'clock every morning, you'll find us stumbling around the kitchen playing around with knives, scalding liquid, gas burners, um... er.. I mean, getting breakfast ready for staff and guests. Last week, our supervisor gave the two of us a lovely suprise: a day off to explore Yellowstone with one of our ranch guides, Derek, and his guests!

West Thumb
Am I in a science fiction world? 

Bull elk
I also saw my first grizzly and black bears. 

Dragon's Mouth. Mythical. Magical. 

Mud Volcano

Artist's Point

Tourist picture! Emma, Derek, and me. 
If we look cold, it's because we were. When I donned my corduroy jacket that morning, I had no idea there would still be snow on the ground nor that the temperature would be comfortable only to Eskimos! 

Fountain Paint Pots

Every turn in the road opened up new beauty and wonder. The most natural response: worship.

Lord of all creation
of water earth and sky
The heavens are your Tabernacle
Glory to the Lord on high
God of wonders beyond our galaxy
You are Holy, Holy
The universe declares your Majesty

Old Faithful Inn, AKA the pirate lair where Derek, Emma and I hung out while our guests shopped for souvenirs. 

The mandatory picture of Old Faithful

Moose Falls

Mount Moran on the drive home

"The earth is the LORD’S, and all it contains, 
The world, and those who dwell in it." 

One of my favorite things to do in Wyoming is take an afternoon walk. Once breakfast is served, cookies are baked, dessert is ready to serve, and the kitchen is in order, there are a few precious moments to step out into the wonder of the wilderness for some fresh air before dinner. It is in these moments that I discover the never-ending wonder of clouds as they alternately hide and frame the mountains, I embrace the playful wind as it caresses my face and hands and roars powerfully in the pine trees above my head, I smile as the aspens leaf out in a fresh, springy shade of green, and I delight in the goodness of a God who created both the majestic grandeur and the lovely wild flowers fighting for life in the dessert terrain. 
Yesterday morning, I read Psalm 24. These verses ran through my head all day:

"Who is the King of glory? 
The LORD strong and mighty, 
The LORD mighty in battle. 
Lift up your heads, O gates, 
And lift them up, O ancient doors, 
That the King of glory may come in! 
Who is this King of glory? 
The LORD of hosts, 
He is the King of glory." 

Sunrise at the Snake River
Especially beautiful clouds one day. I love living in a place that looks like a puzzle! 

Inside the horse pasture
The farrier at work. 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

 Jackson Hole held their Wild West Days last weekend, so Turpin Meadow Ranch staff enjoyed a day on the town. Hatchet throwing, shootouts, group picture taken by a drunk guy passing by... it was a great day. :) And no, there is not a picture, but I did manage to hit the target with a hatchet!